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Weather Stations Near F4KMN-8

Call distancedirectionagetempspeedgustdirectionrain*rain 24hrain midnighthumiditybarometer
F4KMN-8 0.0 00:21:52:15 7930996.7
F6JSP-13 43.6 SW00:00:02:39 407158100.010851005.6
F4FTJ-13 44.9 SE00:00:00:42 46166100080994.6
F4DVI 50.9 SE00:00:03:56 55255700054
F6HBW-13 53.3 SE00:00:00:58 42006600.550781006.3
F4VVQ 70.0 NE00:00:02:21 45386700.070491009.8
DW0350 76.3 NE00:00:02:43 4521455900.050631009.2
F1IRU-13 76.4 S00:00:02:26 4537123000781006.3
EW5773 79.8 NE00:00:02:28 4441113000731006.1
GW4311 83.0 SE00:00:02:20 4281342000821007.9
DW3543 84.8 SE00:00:01:56 4531152000731007.4
F6KSO-4 85.1 SW00:00:15:17 503103030001993.2
DW4811 87.5 NE00:00:02:14 43713320.010.080.02611009.5
GW1853 96.2 NE00:00:07:35 4451151000681006.5
CW5839 99.3 S00:00:04:04 4591855000651006.2
EW8226 101.4 NE00:00:17:39 46007400.060.05531008.0
F8KGK-5 102.9 NE00:00:06:16 442233800069994.6
GW0446 102.9 E00:00:09:43 45594500.020691003.7
FW9558 104.6 SW00:00:02:18 4519322000701006.8
DW5083 105.1 E00:00:02:25 43513350000761007.1

rain*: This column is either rain in last hour or cumulative rainfall.
Greyed out stations have not reported their conditions in the last hour.

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