Tide Stations

distancereference number name latitude longitude
6.62119 Old Town Point Wharf, Maryland 39.5033 -75.9167
6.8662 Courthouse Point, Maryland 39.5167 -75.8833
8.1542 Chesapeake City, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Mar 39.5267 -75.81
8.1543 Chesapeake City, Maryland 39.5267 -75.81
9.51840 Millington, Maryland 39.25 -75.8333
9.82109 Old Frenchtown Wharf, Elk River, Maryland 39.5667 -75.85
10.1697 Crumpton, Maryland 39.25 -75.9333
10.2696 Crumpton, Chester River, Maryland 39.245 -75.925
11.4520 Charlestown, Northeast River, Maryland 39.5667 -75.9667
11.8239 Betterton, Maryland 39.3717 -76.0633
11.92994 Summit Bridge, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delaw 39.55 -75.7333
14.1991 Fishing Battery Light, Susquehanna River, Maryland 39.5 -76.0833
15.51245 Havre de Grace, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland 39.5367 -76.09
15.51246 Havre de Grace, Maryland 39.5367 -76.09
16.02915 St. Georges, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Delawar 39.555 -75.6483
16.13046 Taylors Bridge, Blackbird Creek, Delaware 39.4 -75.6
17.1547 Chestertown, Chester River, Maryland 39.2 -76.0667
18.92369 Port Deposit, Susquehanna River, Maryland 39.6 -76.1167
19.03391 Worton Creek entrance, Maryland 39.3 -76.1667
19.4754 Delaware City Branch Channel bridge, Chesapeake and 39.57 -75.59
19.9755 Delaware City, Delaware River, Delaware 39.5817 -75.5883
20.02526 Reedy Point, C&D Canal, Delaware 39.5583 -75.5733
20.11637 Liston Point, Delaware 39.4167 -75.5333
20.597 Artificial Island, Salem Nuclear Plant, New Jersey 39.4617 -75.5317
20.82207 Pea Patch Island, Bulkhead Shoal Channel, Chesapeak 39.585 -75.5733