LZ2PCB-5 messages

fromtotime message
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/24 09:01:01z Send another FORTUNE.QOTD: If it's too loud, you're too old.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/24 08:45:32z Send another FORTUNE.If we were meant to get up early, God would have created us with alarm clocks.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/24 08:14:32z Send another FORTUNE.There will be big changes for you but you will be happy.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/24 07:59:01z Send another FORTUNE.Is knowledge knowable? If not, how do we know that?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/24 07:43:32z Send another FORTUNE.Promptness is its own reward, if one lives by the clock instead of the sword.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/24 07:28:03z Send another FORTUNE.The PILLSBURY DOUGHBOY is CRYING for an END to BURT REYNOLDS movies!!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/24 06:26:03z Send another FORTUNE.You will probably marry after a very brief courtship.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/24 06:10:32z Send another FORTUNE.The devil finds work for idle circuits to do.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/24 05:24:02z Send another FORTUNE.BOO! We changed Coke again! BLEAH! BLEAH!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/24 05:08:32z Send another FORTUNE.Am I SHOPLIFTING?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/24 04:53:06z Send another FORTUNE.The best way to get rid of worries is to let them die of neglect.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/24 04:37:34z Send another FORTUNE.WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/24 03:35:31z Send another FORTUNE.Make it right before you make it faster.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/24 03:04:32z Send another FORTUNE.In 1869 the waffle iron was invented for people who had wrinkled waffles.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/24 02:18:02z Send another FORTUNE.I have a rock garden. Last week three of them died. -- Richard Diran
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/24 01:00:32z Send another FORTUNE.The day after tomorrow is the third day of the rest of your life.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/24 00:29:33z Send another FORTUNE.He who laughs last usually had to have joke explained.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/24 00:14:01z Send another FORTUNE.The best diplomat I know is a fully activated phaser bank. -- Scotty
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 23:58:34z Send another FORTUNE.A plucked goose doesn't lay golden eggs.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 23:43:03z Send another FORTUNE.Shick's Law: There is no problem a good miracle can't solve.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 23:27:33z Send another FORTUNE.You own a dog, but you can only feed a cat.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 23:12:02z Send another FORTUNE.Sometimes you get an almost irresistible urge to go on living.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 22:41:05z Send another FORTUNE.What soon grows old? Gratitude. -- Aristotle
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 22:10:03z Send another FORTUNE.Garbage In -- Gospel Out.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 21:39:02z Send another FORTUNE.Well, I'm disenchanted too. We're all disenchanted. -- James Thurber
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 21:23:33z Send another FORTUNE.There's one fool at least in every married couple.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 21:08:06z Send another FORTUNE.Every morning is a Smirnoff morning.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 20:52:32z Send another FORTUNE.We are now enjoying total mutual interaction in an imaginary hot tub ...
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 20:21:32z Send another FORTUNE.Happiness isn't having what you want, it's wanting what you have.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 20:06:02z Send another FORTUNE.I don't remember it, but I have it written down.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 19:19:33z Send another FORTUNE.Tonight you will pay the wages of sin; Don't forget to leave a tip.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 19:04:02z Send another FORTUNE.No passing.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 18:48:32z Send another FORTUNE.Depart not from the path which fate has assigned you.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 17:46:32z Send another FORTUNE.Don't kiss an elephant on the lips today.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 17:31:05z Send another FORTUNE.PARDON me, am I speaking ENGLISH?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 17:15:32z Send another FORTUNE.I'm a nuclear submarine under the polar ice cap and I need a Kleenex!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 17:00:05z Send another FORTUNE.Life sucks, but death doesn't put out at all. -- Thomas J. Kopp
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 16:29:02z Send another FORTUNE.A fool and his money are soon popular.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 16:13:33z Send another FORTUNE.Dr. Livingstone? Dr. Livingstone I. Presume?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 15:58:03z Send another FORTUNE.Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 15:42:33z Send another FORTUNE.I never take work home with me; I always leave it in some bar along the way.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 15:27:03z Send another FORTUNE.Swipple's Rule of Order: He who shouts the loudest has the floor.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 15:11:35z Send another FORTUNE.Love is never asking why?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 14:40:34z Send another FORTUNE.We are all dying -- and we're gonna be dead for a long time.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 14:25:03z Send another FORTUNE.All great discoveries are made by mistake. -- Young
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 14:09:36z Send another FORTUNE.Would you *really* want to get on a non-stop flight? -- George Carlin
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 13:54:06z Send another FORTUNE.Don't have good ideas if you aren't willing to be responsible for them.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 13:38:33z Send another FORTUNE.Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. -- Carl Sagan
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 13:23:07z Send another FORTUNE.I'm having fun HITCHHIKING to CINCINNATI or FAR ROCKAWAY!!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 13:07:33z Send another FORTUNE.Linus? Whose that? -- clueless newbie on #Linux
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 12:52:03z Send another FORTUNE.No matter what happens, there is always someone who knew it would.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 12:36:33z Send another FORTUNE.Do not use or store near heat or open flame.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 12:21:03z Send another FORTUNE.A farmer is a man outstanding in his field.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 12:05:33z Send another FORTUNE.Clones are people two.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 11:50:03z Send another FORTUNE.WHO sees a BEACH BUNNY sobbing on a SHAG RUG?!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 11:34:33z Send another FORTUNE.NEVER swerve to hit a lawyer riding a bicycle -- it might be your bicycle.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 11:19:03z Send another FORTUNE.You won't skid if you stay in a rut. -- Frank Hubbard
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 11:03:34z Send another FORTUNE.Rotten wood cannot be carved. -- Confucius, "Analects", Book 5, Ch. 9
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 10:48:03z Send another FORTUNE.Interchangeable parts won't.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 10:32:33z Send another FORTUNE.Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend. -- Theophrastus
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 10:17:03z Send another FORTUNE.Caution: breathing may be hazardous to your health.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 09:30:32z Send another FORTUNE.Talk is cheap because supply always exceeds demand.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 08:44:03z Send another FORTUNE.Honk if you hate bumper stickers that say "Honk if ..."
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 07:57:33z Send another FORTUNE.Housework can kill you if done right. -- Erma Bombeck
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 07:26:33z Send another FORTUNE.Woman was God's second mistake. -- Nietzsche
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 07:11:05z Send another FORTUNE.Wharbat darbid yarbou sarbay?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 06:40:05z Send another FORTUNE.Real Users know your home telephone number.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 06:09:05z Send another FORTUNE.The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep. -- W. C. Fields
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 05:07:03z Send another FORTUNE.Facts are stubborn, but statistics are more pliable.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 04:05:03z Send another FORTUNE.Someday you'll get your big chance -- or have you already had it?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 03:49:34z Send another FORTUNE.You will win success in whatever calling you adopt.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 03:34:04z Send another FORTUNE.Forgive and forget. -- Cervantes
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 03:18:33z Send another FORTUNE.Results are not typical.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 03:03:04z Send another FORTUNE.A list is only as strong as its weakest link. -- Don Knuth
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 02:47:35z Send another FORTUNE.Phasers locked on target, Captain.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 02:32:04z Send another FORTUNE.When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 02:01:03z Send another FORTUNE.Love thy neighbor, tune thy piano.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 01:45:35z Send another FORTUNE.Yow! I want to mail a bronzed artichoke to Nicaragua!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 01:14:35z Send another FORTUNE.Faith goes out through the window when beauty comes in at the door.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 00:59:03z Send another FORTUNE.Ahead warp factor one, Mr. Sulu.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 00:43:37z Send another FORTUNE.Your lover will never wish to leave you.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/23 00:12:34z Send another FORTUNE.Contains a substantial amount of non-tobacco ingredients.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/22 23:57:07z Send another FORTUNE.Nobody knows the trouble I've been.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/22 23:26:05z Send another FORTUNE.We have met the enemy, and he is us. -- Walt Kelly
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/22 23:10:34z Send another FORTUNE.Absolutum obsoletum. (If it works, it's out of date.) -- Stafford Beer
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/22 22:55:07z Send another FORTUNE."The Computer made me do it."
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/22 22:24:05z Send another FORTUNE.Americans are people who insist on living in the present, tense.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/22 22:08:35z Send another FORTUNE.We must believe in free will. We have no choice. -Isaac B. Singer
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/22 20:35:34z Send another FORTUNE."I'd love to go out with you, but the man on television told me to stay tuned."
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/22 20:20:04z Send another FORTUNE.... or were you driving the PONTIAC that HONKED at me in MIAMI last Tuesday?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/22 20:04:35z Send another FORTUNE. can I write a unix-like kernel in perl?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/22 19:49:03z Send another FORTUNE.Many changes of mind and mood; do not hesitate too long.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/22 19:33:33z Send another FORTUNE.Is this going to involve RAW human ecstasy?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/22 19:18:04z Send another FORTUNE.All's well that ends.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/22 19:02:34z Send another FORTUNE./earth: file system full.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/22 18:47:04z Send another FORTUNE.ASCII a stupid question, you get an EBCDIC answer.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/22 18:31:34z Send another FORTUNE.Something's rotten in the state of Denmark. -- Shakespeare
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/22 18:16:04z Send another FORTUNE.Humpty Dumpty was pushed.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/22 18:00:35z Send another FORTUNE.Beware of a dark-haired man with a loud tie.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/22 17:45:05z Send another FORTUNE.Look out! Behind you!