APRS Packet Errors for DB0FGB (last 6 hours)

This table contains packets in which findU has detected an error. This is an automated system, no manual checking of these packets has been done. Most common cause of this is mistakes in entering the latitude/longitude into hard-coded digis, or positions of 0/0. If packets of yours appear here, and you have looked at it carefully and cannot find the error, look again. I've been watching these error messages in my log, and believe my parser is reasonably correct. Go get the APRS spec to be sure. If you have done that, and are CERTAIN the packet is a legal APRS packet, then it is possible that there is an error in my my parser. Only email me if you are absolutely, positively certain...ask yourself, would I bet $100!

time (UTC)Packet
20250122023840DB0FGB>APGE01,OK1CMJ-14*,qAS,OK1HRA-10:!500s.14N001151.18E&APRS 144,800 & Lora 433,775MHz - Schneeberg
20250122024941DB0FGB>APGE01,OK1CMJ-14*,qAR,DH4NBB-16:!50`3.10N001151.18E&APRS 144,800 & Lora 433,775MHz a琜Дerg
20250122024943DB0FGB>APGE01,OK2ZAW-17*,qAO,OK2R-12:!5003.10N DP_RSSI: -121 dBm DP_SNR: -20.50 dB
20250122024943DB0FGB>APGE01,OK2ZAW-17*,qAS,OL7M-10:!5003.10N DP_RSSI: -121 dBm DP_SNR: -20.50 dB DP_RSSI: -100 dBm DP_SNR: 6.25 dB
20250122033340DB0FGB>APGE01,OK1CMJ-14*,qAS,OK1HRA-10:!1pp3.10N`41.18E&APRS 144,800 & Lora 477,5oJ:(%猍c駁觞aerg
20250122033345DB0FGB>APGE01,OK2ZAW-17*,qAO,OK1FWG-10:!701.10N001151.18E&APRS 144,800 & Lora 433,775MHz - Schneeberg DP_RSSI: -121 dBm DP_SN> -19.56@dD 歓
20250122033345DB0FGB>APGE01,OK2ZAW-17*,qAS,OK1CMJ-15:!701.10N001151.18E&APRS 144,800 & Lora 433,775MHz - Schneeberg DP_RSSI: -121 dBm DP_SNR: -19.50 dB
20250122033345DB0FGB>APGE01,OK2ZAW-17*,qAS,OL7M-10:!701.10N001151.18E&APRS 144,800 & Lora 433,775MHz - Schneeberg DP_RSSI: -121 dBm DP_SNR: -19.50 dB DP_RSSI: -95 dBm DP_SNR: 6.50 dB
20250122035445DB0FGB>APGE01,OK2ZAW-17*,qAO,OK1FWG-10:!50030󎰧11.18E&LoRa - 433,775MJX <> Schneeberg/Dichtelgeb. DP_RSSI: -121 dBm DP_SNR: -18."$!fBs
20250122041045DB0FGB>APGE01,OK2ZAW-17*,qAS,OK1CMJ-15:!500螅咸%6糽U.櫩葺礛1艰r焖,鄔驥谚,:表h沜泫p綳F7豓,疩_乏弨咝鋒魔bM)8.63,銪 H
20250122042640DB0FGB>APGE01,OK1CMJ-14*,qAS,OK1HRA-10:!5003.1pJ401151.18E&LoRa - 433,775MHz <> Schpa%;*Cichtelgeb.
20250122045844DB0FGB>APGE01,OK1CMJ-14*,qAS,OK1HRA-10:!5003.10N011.18E&LoRa - 433,775MHz <(踜`feeberg/Fichtelgeb.
20250122070544DB0FGB>APGE01,OK1CMJ-14*,qAO,OK1VP-10:!500钞񵫪01151.18E&APRS 144,800 & Lora 433,775MHz - Schneeberg
20250122070549DB0FGB>APGE01,OK2ZAW-17*,qAS,OK1CMJ-15:!5003.10N001151.18&APRS 144,800 & Lora 433,7b5MH* -%Vfhneeberg DP_RSSI: -120 dBm DP_SNR: -15.75 dB
20250122070649DB0FGB>APGE01,OK2ZAW-17*,qAS,OK1CMJ-15:!500S.QPN601151.18E&LoRa - 433,775MLz |﨤鮟hcegtg/Fichtelgeb. DP_RSSI: -121 dBm DP_SNR: -1"5燿B